Why use a Robo Vacuum? Well, because they make it easy!
Simplicity = Time management
Time Management = Finincial benefits.
Fiberglass pools absolutely love Robo Cleaners.
The Gelcoat on a Fiberglass pool is the perfect base for a vacuum.
Our Choice for a Pool Vacuum?
Jaccuzzi brand seems to do the best job.
Dolphin brand seems to be the best bang for the buck.
Polaris seems to be the most expensive but has a great warranty.
Any of these 3 and you can't go wrong.
Pick the right size vacuum.
Make sure to read what the recommended fiberglass pool size is per vacuum readiness.
Fiberglass pools come in sizes up to 45 feet.
Most major name brand vacuums will handle this large of a pool.
All vacuums will tell you the recommended pool size. (Read before you buy)